quinta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2014

Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?

This is a precious statement. Ignorance is so much easier, instantaneous and many times much more rewarding. I believe I'm not an ignorant person, but I can think a few times where I choosed ignorance. Ignorance is a very good tool to defend us from many things. Ignorance can bring us instant happiness . Ignorance is able to give us the feeling we are understanding everything. Ignorance is something I will not gave up, it is rather so etching I will use in small portions in my daily life according to my needs and the context. Above all ignorance is important to help us to overcome some challenges we do not need to overcome. 

quarta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2014

Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life existselsewhere in the universe...

Only kids are able to see in a very simple way the lack of intelligence of human kind. The real value is the nature around us. Not the dollars or euros. The nature as taken thousand of thousands of years in evolution. Learning with the errors and awarding the winners of evolution. In a very simple way. With no hurry or pressure to deviate from the nature guidance that is the evolution of species from the great Darwin. If I was a alien from anothe planet or galaxy, and if I had time to see how we solve our problems and how we manage our own worlds for sure that I would not contact earth. May be I could wait until the all the world is on ashes to do the first contact. The remaining issue is m how can I live in a world like this? There is no chance to change from this world to a new one. How can we survive? This is one if the reasons why I think I'm getting a worst person every year it passes. As I'm not able to do anything to change it I become a frustrated and unhappy person. 

terça-feira, 11 de novembro de 2014

Quick, what's 11+7?

Quick and simple answers is something I'm always trying to get. But with experience I found that there is no quick and easy answers. Because sometimes the one it will reply does not know the answer. Because the answer is not simple. Because nobody wants to give me a answer because it could jeopardize something. Because they never though in the topic to give a clear answer. Because there is no answer at all. Because it will take too much time and there is no more time. Because they are tired to give the same answer too many times. Because religion doesn't not allow to give answers. Because politics does not allow to have answers. Because the answer is to hard to be said. Because I asked to the wrong person. Because ....
Life is too short to live around questions and answers. 

segunda-feira, 10 de novembro de 2014


There's no limits to imagination. Our imagination helps us to overcome the daily routine life. 

quarta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2014

Do you want to hear a riddle I made up?

There are always people with a strong feeling that they are very humoristic. Feeling that they have the best joke or riddle on the room. People with a self-confidence with the size of the universe. Whenever I need to be on the same room as these kind of people it is always a challenge to keep inside the room. They try to manage the room discussion. Fortunately this is not a daily challenge but sometimes happen. What to do when it happens? 2 options: if does not impact you or your work just smile and shake your head up and down. If it impacts go to fight since the first second!!!!

It could've happened by accident!

I believe most of things in my life have happen by accident. And I also believe I'm not able to leverage in most of these most things. We should take advantage of what life gives us. We don't  control everything, actually we control almost nothing. But we should take the right decision when we are able to control something. I don't regret most of things have done in my short life, however I know that if I had taken different decisions I've been living a very different life today. But this is a learning process and improves with age. But most probably when I will be an expert leveraging in key situations I will be too old to live them totally. The best solution is not to think so much in decisions and live life as it is. 

domingo, 2 de novembro de 2014

That's a new one

Good excuses are always difficult to think about. It is not easy to create a good excuse under pressure, and it is even worst when you're in a completely different world. This happens to me sometimes, at work or at home. Sometimes I need time to be alone and think about something far away from my daily life.  But the pressure to be present in the daily life is huge. Too huge! And when I came back to reality there's always a good probability to give a bad excuse why I didn't made a specific report or why I didn't put the dishes in the washing machine yet. 

sábado, 1 de novembro de 2014

That's a lot to live down for just one evening

Erros, erros, erros. Uma chatice cometer erros. Que chatice não se poder corrigir os erros que se fazem. São passado. Não se pode voltar atrás. Só se podem remendar mas não corrigir. Erros. Erros diferentes têm pesos diferentes. Para outros podem ter um peso colossal e para nós um peso mínimo.  O erro grande é aquele que não nos deixa dormir. Nem ,ais que seja porque o erro foi comer demasiado ao jantar..... Erros, não vivemos sem eles, alguém tem de os cometer para todos aprendermos com os erros. Erros, não existem ninguém que nunca os tenha cometido, apesar de alguns não aprenderem com eles. Erros....